The Tetris House A Creatively Organized Modern Brazilian Home
Ehelyett marcio kogan és carolina castroviejo építészek inspirációt találtak az útból ahogyan a játék dobozai. αυτό το μοναδικό σπίτι της βραζιλίας χρησιμοποιεί κομψά ξύλινα κουτιά για να δημιουργήσει ένα σπίτι από χώρους που ταιριάζουν απόλυτα.
Tetris House A Creatively Organized Modern Brazilian Home Interior Architecture Design Interior Architecture House Design
The name tetris house likely calls to mind the brightly colored game but it is not the colors or infectious music that are the inspiration for this sao paulo home.

The tetris house a creatively organized modern brazilian home. That s what we learned playing tetris as kids among other things. Award winning brazilian architects studio mk27 took inspiration from the arcade game s order in chaos principle when naming this modern home located in sao paulo brazil. Au lieu de cela les architectes marcio kogan et carolina castroviejo ont trouvé l inspiration dans la façon dont les boîtes de ce jeu s emboîtent parfaitement.
Le nom de tetris house évoque probablement le jeu aux couleurs vives mais ce ne sont pas les couleurs ou la musique contagieuse qui sont l inspiration pour cette maison de sao paulo. Instead architects marcio kogan and carolina castroviejo found inspiration from the way that the boxes in that game fit. Jul 25 2015 this unique brazilian home uses sleek wooden box shapes to create a home made of spaces that fit together perfectly.
A modern home in sao paulo brazil. منزل برازيلي حديث منظم بشكل خلاق من المحتمل أن يشير اسم tetris house إلى تذكر اللعبة الملونة الزاهية ولكن ليست الألوان أو الموسيقى المعدية هي مصدر إلهام منزل ساو باولو هذا. Kreativno organiziran moderan brazilski dom naziv tetris house vjerovatno podsjeća na svijetlu obojenu igru ali nisu boje ili zarazna glazba inspiracija ovog doma u sao paulu.
A tetris house név valószínűleg felhívja a figyelmet az élénk színű játékra ám nem a színek vagy a fertőző zene inspirálják ezt a sao paulo otthont. A creatively organized modern brazilian home. Kreatívan szervezett modern brazil otthon.
Instead architects marcio kogan and carolina castroviejo found inspiration from the way that the boxes in that game fit together snugly. Like the arcade game tetris house is made up of many different boxes volumes that fit. εξ ου και το όνομά του.
Umjesto toga arhitekti marcio kogan i carolina castroviejo inspiraciju su pronašli na način na koji se kutije u toj igri čvrsto sjedinjuju. The name tetris house likely calls to mind the brightly colored game but it is not the colors or infectious music that are the inspiration for this sao paulo home.
Tetris House A Creatively Organized Modern Brazilian Home Interior Architecture Design Interior Architecture Architecture Design
Tetris House A Creatively Organized Modern Brazilian Home Architecture Architecture Design Architecture House
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The Tetris House A Creatively Organized Modern Brazilian Home Architecture Residential Building Design Architecture Design
Tetris House A Creatively Organized Modern Brazilian Home House Design House Interior
Tetris House A Creatively Organized Modern Brazilian Home Architecture Pool Houses Forest House
Tetris House A Creatively Organized Modern Brazilian Home House Interior House Design Interior Architecture
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